Thursday, February 19, 2009

A few more notes on Justine...

I've been ogling the Justine chart and noticed some differences in the colors of the text in the photo of the original Justine vs. the colors used in the charted version.

Here's what I think:
"Agee" - this is charted for DMC 304 (red). But, from the photo, it looks like it really shoudl be DMC 612 (drab brown, lt).

"A Salon" - this is charted for DMC ecru. But, from the photo, it looks like it really should be DMC 612 (drab brown, lt).

"Le 12" - this is charted for DMC 612 (drab brown, lt). But, from the photo, it look like it really should be ecru.

Just food for thought... I wanted to be sure to note this before I begin stitching.

Another thing I've noticed is that some stitchers have altered the colors in the bottom left fruit tree. The original does not use any red for that fruit tree, but some stitchers have opted for it with a rather nice effect.

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